Hello there, welcome!

I Am Bidyut Gogoi an Instructional Designer an E-Learning Developer a Digital Learning Specialist

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Please scroll down or use the menu-bar on the top to view details about me. 

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Briefly About Me

I am an instructional designer with 12+ years of experience in designing and developing meaningful learning experiences for adult learners that delivers results. I believe that a good starting point for building effective learning is this one simple thing – empathy for the learner.

My interest and specialisation is effective e-learning design and development which I believe needs a perfect blend of both instructional design skills and digital learning technology skills.

I am currently working with Adobe as an Instructional Designer/Product Writer for Adobe’s Learning Management Platform. I have worked in the capacity of a Senior Instructional Designer and Learning Experience Developer with reputed organizations such as JP Morgan Chase and Co., Adobe, Accenture, and Blue Yonder.

My CV is available for download here and has additional information about my work experience. A few selected projects are displayed in the Portfolio section. My contact information is available at the bottom.

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Key Skills

I Design & Develop

I am experienced in the end-to-end development (a.k.a one man army) of a wide variety of learning deliverables. That includes web-based training, ILTs and virtual ILTs, blended learning, video learning, application demos/simulations, assessments, and job-aids.

Diverse Industry Experience

I am experienced working with content for a wide variety of industries including technology, finance, not-for-profit, sales and marketing, healthcare, regulatory, and creative. I have considerable experience working closely with Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) to ensure accuracy and completeness of technical content.

I Love Tech

Be it Storyline, Captivate, Camtasia or the unavoidable round-tripping between Adobe Creative Cloud tools, I get all excited when learning needs a tech solution. I love working with digital learning tools and tech. Also, I love when someone gives me "Admin" access to the LMS.

PS: I designed this website on my own.


Every successful project begins with a solid design. My training and experience in instructional design helps me better scope learning projects, create learning design, devise instructional strategy and develop with the right modality.

I am well versed in using project management tools - MS Project, JIRA, SharePoint etc.

I Am Certified

I have successfully completed certification programs on Instructional Design and Learning Technologies from the Center for Innovation in Teaching & Learning (CITL), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign virtually. These programs helped me gain a deeper understanding of learning design and provided a platform to connect with peers across the globe.

I Teach

I am actively associated in sharing my knowledge and experiences in digital learning with students and the academic community. I teach a few classes (now virtually) every year at the School of Media and Communication, Pondicherry Central University and at the Academic Staff College, Pondicherry Central University.


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